Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mangrove Mornings (Poem)

part I

in post coital sighs
she whispered
"i don't want to fall to pieces, glue me together my morning lover!"

my arms encircled her like
a winter fog
pulling her closer as she began slowly to
lose her way,
and tears began from somewhere far away...
a slow quiet gathering of speed
and thunder
towards the inevitable cascade
from where few return.

part II

i'm a nimbus cloud on a sediment choked riverbank,
i hang low to earth
escaping my celestial duties
perch between a banyan tree and watery mangrove,
on the edge of a colossally confusing river.

one foggy morning
while watching my earth-bound cousin fog
roll silently by
i chance upon seeing a woman,
old as dreams and young as a virgin's gasp,
entwined in her morning lover
as she crumbles to pieces in the river,
where salty tears are the engine of dreams -

taking pity, i reach out my wispy fingers
and pull her gently inwards
away from her morning lover
who trembles fiercely with his loss,
unable to comprehend why he now approaches
the inevitable cascade alone,
as he sees, too late,
the contentment of his lover in my arms
as she sleeps dreamless between the roots holding me fast.

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