Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A girl's symphony (Poem)

I knew by her shy smile
that she harbored a secret.
A small secret,
that mattered to her only
and trailed her like a happy shadow,
following the click of her raven heels,
soft ripples in the puddles
spilling onto the sidewalk from softly falling rain-notes.

I watched her from across the street,
raincoat, shy smile and hips
fading away from me like the last notes of a symphony
suddenly saddened I hadn't been there for the whole movement.

My hand was only halfway up in the air,
streaks of rain running down my arm
notes full of adagio joy alive on my skin,
her shy smile a jumbled smear on a composer's page,
when she turned the corner and disappeared,
cutting short the concerto of her beauty I was composing in my hea

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