Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Sword of Azermoth

I feel my mind always switches the rails when I sleep in a strange place. This past weekend I went to pick up my best friend in Bursa, and had the most bizarre dreams...Granted, I went to sleep after a few vodka/Fantas, M&M's, two chicken wraps a la street meat, and 3/4's of a kilo of lamb over pita bread drizzled in tomato sauce and melted butter.

Seeing as I awoke in the middle of the night mid-nightmare, I wrote down what I remembered, and promptly passed out, apparently to finish the journey I had begun. This is the dream that ensued...
In my dream the shape of my body was enormous. If you know the Shrike of the Hyperion book series, this was similar minus the spikes. Meters high, powerful, alone. Running around for no particular reason were a few of the students from a 4th grade class at my school, shouting at one another incoherently. After a few moments of watching them turn in circles, I began to hear them chant, over and over and over, these phrases.
'We believe in you so we see you. We believe in you so we see you. We believe in your so we see you.'

I didn't understand why they were doing this until the air and ground around me began to tremble and simmer. The feeling was like a combination of seeing heat waves bounce off a sizzling highway ribboning into nowhere and feeling as if I had been plunged into the hole of a guitar and the sound waves were bouncing in a hundred directions. I look around to hold on to something when all of a sudden a demon figure appeared in the middle of the students' circle. In the dream I knew without a doubt that the demon would destroy everything in its path, and that it could only be destroyed by decapitation. I looked down at left hand and realized I had been holding a two meter long sword, apparently named Azermoth. I swung without hesitation at the demon and lopped off his head. 

Somehow without its head, it became a something I could order to do anything. I immediately ordered it to create and open a book. It did, conjured up a book, opened it and took my shoulder and plunged me into the book. Falling into a book the size of something's palm is unnerving but when I fell all I could see was water. I held out my hands with curled fingers, and began chanting myself...From behind me came the skin, bones, muscles and hair of the students who had been in a circle before. The aforementioned things began forming some huge creature, though LUCKILY I awoke at that moment.

Normalcy rarely feels that good.

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