Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Circles in the Sand (Poem)

"Look," he pointed,
and nudged his chin towards a clearing of sand,
as they walked hand in hand towards the end of the beach,
"we'll draw it there."

"But I don't see anything," she mused,
while salty air toyed with a few strands of her hair,
and tried to lift the long sundress clinging to her skin.
"Trust me, you'll see it," he winked at her,
holding her hand a bit closer,
wondering how many times in their lives they had held hands while smiling.

Closer they drew,
and the palm trees hummed a quicker tune,
as frothy sea water licked upwards on the sand,
faster and faster to an unbreakable rhythm.

Approaching a circle in the sand,
the man's smile widened, flashing a toothy grin.
"See?! I told you it would be here!" he shouted triumphantly,
running towards the circles, pulling her laughing behind.

and wishing for nothing else in the world to change the moment he was in,
the man fell to his knees, transfixed to the visions dancing and twirling,
coupling with sunshine and shadow.
He looked backwards and upwards, happiness painted on his smile,
at his best friend with sun-rays winking through plaits of tangled hair.

"It's perfect," she sighed.

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