Monday, May 16, 2011

Color of Insanity (Poem)

I sat on a rock the color of insanity.
It spoke to me like a demure day,
and then spat at my feet with sharp pieces of sand.

Then this rock, this tough, bony, shapeless hunk of hardness told me a story.
It sang its way through a hundred years while the tide grew from a whimpering lap
to a vicious conundrum. Its transformation I gazed at through wondrous eyes,
a memory I would never forget, no matter the hum and drum of water in my brain,
no matter how many blue notes I scraped from the sky with my fingernails caked in clay.

In this story I smelled girls that tasted like cotton-candy and had minds like wild horses.
I heard the half of me that's beast awaken in a frenzy to a lento wind winding its way through palms.
I tasted a soft, muted lemon-yellow fish on a woman's lips, delighted to be her swain
I smelled a shivaree as a penumbra swallowed the ocean's sunspots
I saw a cloud bend itself like a chevron over naked notes shifting their way upwards from this song.
Then I died alone floating as a scapegrace would. I died with no music in my ears,
no drums rough like mountain thunder, no curves&lips for my patient fingers to trace.
I died suddenly, without languor, without preamble.

Startled from my reverie, I jumped nervously off this luckless rock,
slapping sand that had risen suspiciously, secretively up my legs
and bolted from that place without a glance backwards.
Alone, minutes later,
I felt the water meet slushy sand and make sucking sounds 'round my ankles
and heaved a gentle sigh in the direction where mermaid's slink around their lairs.
Quietly I began advancing towards the Land of Nod,
when a sharp slice of eternity later I turned my head to say goodbye to that eccentric rock,
and saw perched upon that rock colored like insanity,
an hourglass figure, waving at me to come back,
waving with a smile smothered and smeared with sensuality.
I stood rooted in icy rings of water that lapped now around my neck,
and listened carefully as a new song floated out lazily towards me from that rock.

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