Monday, September 23, 2013

An Eddy of Scorn (poem)

A girl, stranger to frienship,
sits still next to a small bend in a river,
surrounded by a dusty-brown olive orchard,
their fruit staining the air with a tang.

A girl, stranger to the sky,
sits still remembering everything she has lost,
surrounded by a small cake-layer of mud,
seeping into her ziz-zag patterned dress.

A girl, friend to a mirrored world,
peers down into a silver eddy,
collecting and reversing its flow,
whispering, rippling and crinkling its liquid laughter.

A river, ceaseless,
stares back at her,
and flashes images of a silvery world,
a world which lures her, and shows her lost memories.

An uneven sunset,
stealing silver and scorn from the river,
changes the pictures she stares at,
and blocks her slow fall into a torn imagination.

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