Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Colorado Afternoon

Quick hum of the mind,
wheels spinning like cotton candy,
thoughts dancing like lanky elephant grass,
and thunder rolling like rocks down a hill.

Click, snap of the lens,
rose captured and still,
tilted sideways head,
another snap of the lens.

Look up at clouds,
gray ash in bundled towering heaps,
bumping into faithful sunshine,
tumbling into a family of shadow.

Click, snap of the lens,
sage captured and still,
straightened gaze of the head,
another snap of the lens.

Look down at the path,
where a winding road is food for adventure,
and umber burns into cadmium yellow,
then burns into Prussian blue.

Click, snap of the lens,
birch captured and torn,
thoughtful shake of the head,
another snap of the lens.

Look across at waving wheat,
where quiet cows slowly chew,
Oxpeckers finish a meal,
and the sun tumbles downwards to dusk.

Click, snap of the lens,
another snap  of the day.

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